BSS Plus ESG-CARES [CV] Community Housing Information


Housing Search Work Flow

BSS+ ESG-CV Housing Search Workflow_Revised_10.13.2021

Community Housing Referral Form
BSS+ ESG CARES CHS Referral Checklist_6.29.2021

BSS+ ESG CARES CHS Referral Form_5.18.2021_Fillable

BSS+ ESG-CV Housing Referral Checklist and Toolkit

BSS+ ESG CARES (CV)_HousingReferralChecklistToolkit – Google Docs

Working with Landlords/Property Managers’ Chart
BSS+ESG-CV_Working with Landlords-Property Managers_6.29.21

Landlord Rental Assistance Agreement & Landlord Incentive Agreement Addendum
One of the most critical documents in the ESG-CV program is the “Landlord Rental Assistance Agreement.” Community Housing Specialists will work with the landlord/property owner and case managers to get this agreement signed by both the landlord and the tenant. ESG funds can only be used to pay application fees and/or a security deposit on behalf of the client, until the Rental Assistance Agreement is signed:

BSS+ ESG CARES Landlord-Rental-Assistance-Agreement_08.13.2021_Fillable

BSS+ ESG-CV_Landlord Incentive Agreement Addendum_Updated_Fillable_12.1.2021

Incentives Calculator
Incentives Calculator updated 6.29.21 Final

AmRent/Housing Location Release of Information [ROI] and AmRent Referral Form
BSS+ESG CARES_AmRent ROI Form Updated 5.26.21_Fillable

BSS+ESG-CV_AmRent Referral Form_Fillable

Rent Reasonableness Worksheet, Guidelines for Calculating Rent Reasonableness and HACA Utility Allowance Schedules
To review the ESG-CV Rent Reasonableness policies, please access the BSS+ ESG-CV Standard Operating Procedures:

BSS+_ESG_Guidelines for Calculating Rent Reasonableness

HACA Utility allowance schedules 2020

Habitability Standards
The BSS+ ESG-CV Program is using the Habitability Standards developed by Austin Public Health specifically for ESG:
BSS+ ESG-CV Habitability Standards_City_3.24.2021_Fillable

Explanation of Criminal History
Explanationof Criminal History Template_06292021